Partner with KidsFinance and gain access to financial literacy content to enhance your education, family or financial web presence. Our signature products provide a custom education package for the client looking to capture the youth and finance demographic.
Contact us to customize a partnership to assist you in achieving your goals.
Nearly everybody finds money fascinating—even kids, 47 million in school in the U.S. They are our future economic power. But what is their knowledge base about money? None to very little.
Studies show approximately $4,160 a year is spent by the average teenager. This same high school graduate could earn $1 million + over his lifetime. But what is their background in money management? Other studies show none to very little.
Kids have huge potential and need support. Brokerages and banks are spending big bucks on targeting parent’s guilt: have you planned for your children’s education. There’s always a cute kid featured. That cute kid is the market yet to be targeted.
Educate these kids with a book about money, entertain them with the characters Penny and Bill, let them wear a money smart ribbon with pride, encourage them to save and invest, and you will achieve your desired the brand loyalty.
•Book, Money $ense for Kids!©
•Pin, Financial Literacy Ribbon©
•Characters, Penny and Bill and Piggy©
•Web site,©
•Games, The Kids
$ Club
•Stock Market Game©
•TV show, The Kids Money Club TV Show©