The Financial Literacy Ribbon

The money-green Financial Literacy Ribbon© is designed to reinforce the mission of coaching families and individuals towards greater financial health.  In addition, the pin draws attention to an increasing national epidemic of high school seniors who flunk tests of basic financial knowledge. As the AIDS and Breast Awareness ribbons identify worthy causes, so too the money-green ribbon symbolizes the urgency by the personal finance industry and its supporters to raise generations of money savvy adults.

Print this page.  Fill in the blanks, enclose a check and mail them to:

P.O. Box 241775
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Enclosed is a check made payable to Hollis Page Harman.  Credit cards are not accepted at this time.

Each Financial Literacy Ribbon is $5.00; shipping and handling is included.

Please send me ______ Financial Literacy ribbon(s) in support of raising money savvy kids.

Enclosed is my check for _____________________________.

Please send the ribbon to:

Name ___________________________________

Address _________________________________

City, State, Zip ____________________________

Telephone _______________________________

E-mail  __________________________________
